Does anyone else feel like they are living in a Groundhog Day-style tedium of monotony, with the only differentiator from day-to-day being how annoying their increasingly straggly fringe is?
(Yes, the length of my fringe is quite honestly the only thing I could think of at the end of that sentence that in any way defines the passing days and weeks.)

It is with that in mind that I ask each of you to imagine just how much I struggle to think of content for this blog. A friend of mine writes an excellent blog about his recovery from alcohol addiction (I urge you to check it out, it’s harrowing, fascinating, emotional and shocking in equal measure) and though it is weekly even he has taken a week off, posting a simple ‘I’m uninspired’ message instead. So it seems it’s not just me.
I have achieved precisely three things since I last posted. Bella and I made party rings, I have changed the bed and I’ve done some epic weeding (though had to send photos to my dad to confirm that some of the things I was pulling up were actually weeds).
I don’t even have enough going on to answer the question ‘how’s it going?’ when I speak to friends, let alone enough to fill a daily diary-themed blog. And yet every time I muse on winding it up, someone tells me they’re enjoying it.

I could tell you about how Henry is keen to know if there is such a thing as a little car wash for humans - a human wash if you will - for “people whose bath is broken”.
I could tell you about how Bella actually sobbed when I (politely) declined the ‘special soup’ she made me the other night - three sprigs of wheat picked on a walk, half a grape, three raisins and some uncooked spaghetti simmered in a few inches of water.
I could tell you about how Xander has learnt to clap and does so with a gorgeous, unbridled joy, followed up within seconds by very genuine surprise that his little hands have actually made contact.
But I fear a run down of little more than inane observations will not sustain the blog for long.

Obviously I now wish I’d committed to a weekly post rather than a daily one, but I naively thought this lockdown would last a few weeks - indeed there was talk of being back to school after the Easter holidays - and for that optimism I am now paying the price.
However, I do enjoy writing it. I like having someone else to talk to besides my poor husband (I say that but he’s rarely actually listening) and I want to have the blog to look back on in years to come - which was always the point of it.
So to that end I am taking requests. If there is anything you’d like me to write about, let me know. I can’t promise I will take on every idea (because I will, inevitably, get some ridiculous suggestions) but I welcome some input that may inspire a theme.
Please, do your worst. And in return I promise to keep you posted on the status of my fringe on a regular basis.
