Hoorah, sunshine! I've already said a few times in the last week, thank goodness this is happening in spring, not in winter. Can you imagine if it was November? We'd be facing dark mornings, early evenings, cold and rain, then Christmas under lockdown and months of the same thereafter. As if January and February weren't depressing enough.
So we got outside. (And as you can see below, Henry sweetly dug out an old cap of his for Xander to wear. I'm not convinced.)

It wasn't the most thrilling day but here are the highlights.
- I ordered a trampoline and new football goal from Argos in the hope they will pass many an hour in the garden. Now we just have to work out how to get them home.
- The shed got a much needed clear out.
- The loo roll I ordered on Amazon arrived - I was never sure it would. And just when we were down to our last 3 rolls.
- Bella made a ham sandwich all by herself. While (inexplicably) naked.
- And we discovered some more fun stuff going on in the world, such as Gary Barlow and Alfie Boe singing a Queen duet, each in their respective houses. Now I have a lot of respect for Gary Barlow's musicianship but Alfie Boe makes him sound like an amateur. The lungs on the man!

We also had a conversation about pacing ourselves. Our kids are not the slow, calm, chilled out sort. They come at life at 100mph, diving into everything without consideration or thinking ahead. Because, you know, they're kids.
I'm trying to spin out the activities for fear we'll race through them all and be twiddling our thumbs by 10am. Which is the time we'd normally get out and do something - meet up with friends, go swimming, head out on the bikes. But none of that for us today. So when they'd painted one cardboard box and wanted to start on another I had to put my foot down and kick them out into the garden instead.
And it's not just us that needs to pace ourselves. I'm loving all the nonsense celebs are getting up to online - except that horrific Imagine video. As if the song wasn't bad enough the first time round - but do worry that they, too, will run out of steam sooner or later. At the moment the Blitz spirit is prevailing. We're all in this together, let's chivvy everyone along by letting them have a glimpse of our expensive living rooms and bad loungewear. But I fear it can't last. And I for one can't handle the thought of a day in isolation without the revival of a 90s ballad from Gary Barlow and Ronan Keating to pass the time.