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The Lockdown Diaries

Five Self Isolate

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Day 40: *BLOG TAKEOVER* Sarah Wragg is away

A note from Sarah: "Just two weeks after writing here about my lovely father-in-law, Trevor, on his 87th birthday, he passed away. Today...

Day 38: We've lost all concept of the passing of time

A new week. Week 4. No, week 5? God, who knows? Time has started to be meaningless. The days now merge into weeks and the weeks have...

Days 36 & 37: Five Minutes' Peace? If only.

I’m pretty sure that when God came up with the day of rest He wasn’t in lockdown with three under-7s. Never mind Sundays, I haven’t had a...

Day 35: "Though she be but little, she is fierce."

Folks, we have a maverick in our midst. I have long since suspected trouble was round the corner, but wasn’t quite sure how it would be...

Day 34: One month gone but we're reclaiming 2020

It’s now been one calendar month since official lockdown started. I can’t quite believe that as a family we’ve been doing this for five...

Day 32: Insert title here. If you can be bothered.

I ran out of steam today. I woke up with rock bottom expectations. I was exhausted and didn’t have the energy to care, quite frankly. I...

Day 31: Clarifications and Corrections

Well yesterday’s post certainly provoked a few reactions. On the whole they fell into two camps. The first was from people in the same...

Days 29 & 30: Three weeks down, but how many to go?

Eurgh. If you’re feeling anything like I am today, you might not want to read this post. It’s unlikely to cheer you up. Maybe I’ve...

Day 28: We're so bored we've started cleaning

When the government extended the lockdown this week we had an extra reason to be fed up: The announcement coincided with us finally...

Day 27: And the world keeps turning...

When we first found out we’d be home-schooling the kids we were horrified. It felt like the most monumental undertaking, requiring...

Day 26: Friends, formality & famous faces

When I started this blog it was intended to be little more than a diary, a time capsule to remember what we knew would - in any...

Day 25: Our only lockdown goal should be to stay sane

There’s much chatter about how lockdown is a great opportunity to expand your knowledge - learn to code, take up knitting, memorise the...

Day 24: I'll give you 50p to be silent for one minute

Kids. They never ever shut up. From the second they wake up, at 100mph, they are wittering. Not saying anything specific much of the...

Day 23: It's Easter, Jim, but not as we know it

Easter. My absolute favourite time of the year. Forget Christmas, and you can keep birthdays - I look forward to Easter from about...

Day 22: Some of life's bigger questions

All this time in lockdown has led to a lot of overthinking. Here's a small insight into the issues that are currently on my mind. (As I...

Day 21: Getting your kicks where you can

When all of life’s pleasures are expected to be provided by the same daily routine and interaction with the same four people, we latch on...

Day 20: Humans 0-1 Nature

I’ve been resisting writing about this because it seems both obvious and a bit naff, but does anyone else feel like they’ve been smacked...

Day 19: Sausages and TV - resistance is futile

Sausages and TV. The two things I’ve tried really hard not to fall back on these past three weeks. But yesterday was tough. We can blame...

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